The Carolyn Clark PTA Board is dedicated to running the Carolyn Clark PTA. We are always open to input from our community and are always looking to get more people involved! If you are interested in running for any of these positions in the next election, please view the responsibilities below and/or contact the president at
Serving as president of a PTA includes the responsibility to lead that PTA toward specific goals chosen by its members. The goals must be consistent with the policies and purposes of the PTA. The president is the presiding officer and the official representative of the association. The president will approve all communication from the PTA in conjunction with the principal. The president will take ownership of all decisions made by the Board and convey the decisions to the members. Nominees need to be a board member currently to run for position. There will be one monthly meeting to attend and also attendance at PTA events is expected.
The vice president is an elected officer and member of the executive board. The primary responsibility of the vice president is to assist the president and help lead the PTA toward specific goals chosen by its members. The goals must be consistent with the policies and purposes of the PTA. California State PTA does not recognize co-presidents. This position can be used to gain understanding of the requirements and duties of the president. This board member should attend meetings as requested by the president, prepare and present a report to the executive board for each meeting attended on behalf of the president, and help and oversee all the committees that makeup the PTA. There will be one monthly meeting to attend and also attendance at PTA events is expected.
Keep an accurate, concise, permanent record of the proceedings of all meetings of the association and of the executive board. These minutes are the legal record of the PTA, and the original copy of the minutes is known as the master copy. The secretary also sends notices of meetings to executive board members and/or association members, as directed. Read correspondence at executive board and association meetings, as requested by the president. This is a required position on the PTA and is an elected position. Monthly board meeting attendance is expected.
The treasurer is an elected officer and the authorized custodian of all funds of the local PTA. The treasurer’s duties include keeping records and preparing reports to comply with local, state and federal laws. This person should present the proposed budget to the executive board for suggestions, pay the bills, and deposit money promptly. Monthly board meeting attendance is expected and availability to disperse and collect funds at PTA events is expected.
The auditor has to audit the books of the PTA (twice in the year). The purpose of an audit is to determine the accuracy of the books and records of the financial officers, detect and recommend correction of error, protect the financial officers and relieve them of responsibility except in case of fraud, and verify funds have been transferred through properly.
Membership is the heart of PTA. Along with the entire board, the president and the membership co-chairs are partners in guiding and directing the membership committee in a successful membership campaign. The membership chairmen are either elected or appointed members selected by their respective executive boards. Each member of the membership committee has a vital role to play in the ongoing membership promotion and must always be included and involved in all aspects of the committee’s goals, duties and responsibilities. The membership committee should meet before the beginning of the school year to establish the membership goals, design the membership and outreach promotion, and plan yearlong duties and activities. The membership plan must be approved by the executive board. The membership chairman is expected to attend the monthly board meeting.
PTA fundraising activities are carried out by a committee whose chairman is an appointed or elected member of the executive board. The committee may include the treasurer, the communications chair, the principal, the president (ex officio) and others appointed by the president. The major responsibility of the fundraising committee is to raise the amount needed to meet the proposed unit budget. PTA funds are raised and used for purposes approved by the association in advance of any fundraising event. The fundraising chairman is expected to attend the monthly board meeting and provide the necessary updates.
Review and study the bylaws and standing rules annually. If changes are required, ask the president to appoint a committee for this review. Proposed amendments must be submitted through council (if in council) and district PTA channels to the state parliamentarian for approval before adoption at an association meeting. Use the latest version of Bylaws for Local PTA/PTSA Units. (Bylaws are available for purchase from the California State PTA office; some district PTA offices also have copies for sale.) Date is noted on the front or inside of the front cover, and should not be more than two (2) years old. Instructions and procedures are included. Verify that the PTA council (if in council) and district PTA have a current copy of the unit’s bylaws. The parliamentarian is also the chair of the nominating committee which helps coordinate each year’s PTA Board election.
The historian assembles and preserves the record of activities and achievements of the PTA and assists the president in preparing the Unit. Historian records, like minutes, should be kept forever. The historian is expected to attend all PTA run events and the monthly board meeting. The historian also keeps a record of PTA volunteer hours to be submitted to the proper channels.
The Reflections Coordinator should submit a Reflections Program budget to the budget committee for approval. This person should explain the Reflections Program to the principal and school staff and encourage their support and participation. He/she is responsible for informing parents and community members about the program, sharing information about the Reflections Program at a PTA meeting, sharing examples of last year’s entries and having current entry forms and rules available for distribution. The chairman will publicize the Reflections Program, theme and due dates in the school or PTA website, select impartial, qualified judges, and attend the monthly board meetings.
The Arts Attack Coordinator makes sure the program runs smoothly, makes sure the necessary volunteers are trained and present, and makes sure the necessary materials are present for the particular projects.
The ABC Reading Coordinator makes sure the program runs smoothly, makes sure the necessary volunteers are trained and present, and makes sure the necessary material is present for the particular topics.
The Book fair Coordinator is responsible for running the fall and spring book fairs. This person will be the main contact who communicates with the book fair company, currently Scholastic, and set up dates and locations of the book fairs.
The Coding Coordinator makes sure the program runs smoothly, makes sure the necessary volunteers are trained and present, and makes sure the necessary material is present for the lessons. This person is also the main contact who communicates with the teachers and coding organization to create a schedule for the lessons.
The Music and Movement Coordinator makes sure the program runs smoothly and is the primary contact between teachers and the instructors to create a schedule for the lessons. This person also sets up the locations where the lessons and performances will take place, if applicable.
The Music and Movement Coordinator makes sure the program runs smoothly, makes sure the necessary volunteers are trained and present, and makes sure the necessary material is present for the lessons.
he member-at-large positions are for those who may be interested in other positions on our Board in the future but want to get to know what it is like to be on the Board first.
By joining the Carolyn Clark PTA, you also become a member of the National and State PTA. The membership period lasts from July 1 to June 30, with a grace period for renewal from July 1 to October 31st.
Tax Identification Number: 72-1587938.
To contact a specific board member or to volunteer for a specific program, please visit our PTA Board page for a list of contacts.